
Showing posts from August, 2006

Weigh in #6

I LOST 3 POUNDS, HOLY CRAP! One day I forgot my lunch and just barrelled through to 5 PM...I think that helped, but I wouldn't recommend it, it was really hard!

I think I can...

I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...that's what I keep telling myself and it has been working so far! My advice to anyone reading this would be keep a positive attitude at all costs.

Weigh in #5

Ok, so I had 1 piece of birthday cake...but I still lost a pound! Whaddya have to say about that?!?


It's a co-worker's birthday today, and there is tasty cake to be had. Rice cakes...birthday cake...birthday cake...rice cakes...HELP!!

Weigh in #4

No loss, no gain! I am disappointed, but I didn't gain anything, so I can't be too upset! I'll try to be better this week.