Even if don't have a teenager, you've probably heard about Myspace, the site where youths--and also deranged adults--can socialize together and post information about themselves--like an online diary. At their age, many teenagers are going through exhibitionist phases, and their audiences are often given provacative images or information about them. It's obvious that this is a dangerous component of Myspace, especially since many pages are open to anyone with an account.

Luckily, there is Spector Pro monitoring software. This software is award winning (PC Magazine) and works hard to keep MySpace safe by recording myspace chatconversations. And it's not just going to record your child's conversation, like a key logger would, but rather both sides, so you know exactly what went on. Spector Pro is the only full featured monitoring software that I've ever found in which every activity your child partakes in through is duly recorded.

There are tons of wonderful features included in Spector Pro, and the following monitoring software is only one of those.

So, please if you have children that regularly use MySpace--and trust me, even if you don't think they do, they might, so look up their emails on the MySpace search--definitely check out Spector Pro. It could protect your children from dangerous MySpace users.


Thanks for reading, this has been a sponsored post.


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