
Wow, I really love PayPerPost and you may have noticed that by the sponsored posts I regularly submit, but I wish I knew that they were going to increase the pay off for referring people!! I have referred lots of people when the going rate was five dollars, and now I see that it's up to fifteen!! Yikes! If you're a Postie, then make sure you notice the affiliate program has been altered such that you can now REALLY cash in just by recruiting other people to join PayPerPost, submit their blog, and complete one post.

I think that for Christmas, I'll make sure to refer a few people--so the referral fee will be a Christmas present for me, and the awesome time that my friend has on PayPerPost will be a Christmas present for them! You should really check out PayPerPost if you haven't already. And if you decide to join--tell them Tanya sent you! It's really a win-win situation if I've ever seen one myself.

Enjoy Posties and Posties-to-be!


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