Phillips DiPisa Healthcare Recruiting

Hi there,

Since the holidays are coming, I just wanted to let you all know about the Phillips DiPisa Thought Leadership Library, so you can continue to think about your health and the health of your family, even when you may temporarily be living a less-than-healthy lifestyle during the holidays. As we all know, after New Years, most Americans make resolutions to live healthier, and the Phillips DiPisa initiative is around to help people stick to their resolutions and inform them how to create healthier lifestyles for themselves.

Phillips DiPisa is a leading healthcare executive recruiting firm. If you check out their website, they have numerous articles on important topics, including hospital succession management, the role of the Chief Medical Officer, and diversity in healthcare workforces. Personally, I think that all Americans, and all people in general, should be well educated in the health care sciences, but there are few venues where people can get the information they need. I'm pleased that a company like Phillips DiPisa has come along, because now that information is freely available. So make sure you visit for all your healthcare questions. You'll be glad you did.



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