
Hello there,

When I was in high school, I was much different than I am now. In fact, I was not only lean, but downright skinny, and it was all thanks to running. I was able to run like crazy and never really get winded, plus the runner's euphoria when I thought I could run forever was the best.

While in high school, I was hoping to do a marathon as soon as I turned eighteen, but unfortunately, it never worked out for me, because my fat percentage got so low that I had to stop running...and then I never got back to it. It turned into months of osteoporosis tests, hormone pills, and other horrible things, and really turned me away from running. Since then, I ran competitively a little in college, but ended up never getting back to the same degree of running. Now I just run for fun once in awhile, but it is more for fitness than for anything.

Anyway, when I was planning for a marathon, I obviously did a lot of running, including the traditional rise and tapering schedules that marathon runners do. One of the best parts were the long easy runs--I remember how I once ran 30 miles over the course of 2 days. And I also considered ultra-marathons, after reading Runners World. Those people are phenomenal--I have no idea how they do it, but they must have the most amazingly low heart rates!

All this talk of running makes me want to get back into shape like I was in high school...but I know the bad effects that come with running too much, and I need to make sure I never get back to that level. The best thing for me will be to find a happy medium.

One of the best ways to get back is to do the Wirefly National Marathon on March 24th. Although that's too soon for me, I'll definitely be there to show my support. If you are amazing enough to do a marathon, then you should! Check out Wirefly for more information. They are working with some great organizations--including ESPN, American Airlines, Gatorade, and Garnier--to bring you an awesome marathon.

Good luck,
Thank you for reading, this has been a sponsored post.


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