Swimsuit Models

Hello there, and Happy Valentines Day,

You may have seen these images of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models already. A friend of mine named Tave has found himself without a Valentine again this Valentines Day, and he asked me whether I knew of any nice cell phone wall papers that could cheer him up, since for him, today is a sad day. Lucky for him, there is a special swimsuit issue that was released today, February 14th. It's the 43rd issue, and promises to carry all the hype and controversy of the other 42 issues--and the really cool thing is that Beyonce is the cover model for this one. And if that wasn't enough for Tave, he could also see his favorite swimsuit models on his cell phone at any time by downloading them from Sports Illustrated Mobile. These downloads are only $1.99 each, and include the famous supermodel Bar Refaeli, with whom Tave now has a chance, because she recently broke up with Leo DiCaprio. In fact, he can even purchase a video that plays each time his cell phone rings.

Well, when I told him all this, he really cheered up, and was no longer as upset about not having a Valentine. To him, this is Sports Illustrated Day, not Valentines Day.

Thanks for reading, this has been a sponsored post.


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